Fit4Dance NYC


5 Components of a Great Zumba Class


Before I began teaching Zumba, I took classes from several different instructors and guess what? All of them were different! If you're wondering what makes a good Zumba class or if you are thinking of trying Zumba for the first time but don't know what to look for, keep reading!

1. A Friendly, Certified Zumba Instructor with a Dance Background
If your instructor also has fitness certifications (such as a group fitness certification from the American Fitness Association of America -AFAA), that is a definite bonus.  Your teacher should not only be knowledgeable about dance and fitness, but should have a dynamic personality; capable of motivating a class of 2 just as well as they are able to motivate a class of 50! They should make you feel safe, welcome, confident, sexy, and out of breath by the end of the class. 

2. An Energizing Playlist
Music is everything in Zumba!!!!  An upbeat, positive, energizing playlist showcasing a variety of genres can turn your fitness class into a true dance party.  If possible, ask the instructor for a list of the songs and artists so you can go home and practice in the shower, in the kitchen, in the car or on the train, at work, etc.

3. Adequate Space
There is a lot of movement in Zumba. There are twists and turns; jumps and pivots; there could be partner work and dance battles.  The ideal class won't be overcrowded. You should feel like you can do all of your moves fully without fear of whacking your neighbor in the face. 

4. Amazing People
A great Zumba class should be filled with a community of warm, welcoming people who are all there for the same reason - to dance and get a good workout! It should be a safe space where you feel ok to make mistakes without being judged.  It should be a space where you know you can really let go and be yourself.  

5. Fun, Effective, Challenging Choreography
 Your Zumba class should be filled with dance routines that put a smile on your face one minute and challenge your body the next minute.  It should take several consistent days of attending class before you begin to feel comfortable with the routines.  Don't be discouraged or intimidated your first few sessions. The more you come, the easier it will get.  Once you are no longer thinking about what step comes next, you can push yourself to go harder. I like to imagine I am a background dancer for Beyonce, Rihanna, or Janet. The crowd is going willllllddddd. 

Fit4Dance actually has all 5 of these components! So come check me out. I would love to dance with you! Secure your spot in class here. 

Laci Chisholm
Owner + Instructor