Fit4Dance NYC



F4D: Fitness for the Dancer in YOU!

Lets Send Laci to Haiti Fundraiser a Success!

Lets Send Laci to Haiti Fundraiser a Success!

On Sunday March 8th, Fit4Dance hosted a Zumba fundraiser to support Laci's upcoming trip to Haiti with her dance troupe, Kriye Bode.  The event took place at Spoke the Hub- Gowanus Arts Building in Brooklyn, NY where Laci teaches her weekly Tuesday night Zumba class.  The fundraiser was very well attended and successful raising over $1,000!  It consisted of 2 hours of fun, exhilarating, & Zumba routines taught by Fit4Dance Owner Laci Chisholm, and fellow friend and Zumba instructor Tacia Williams. 

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Fit4Dance Hosts a Successful Post Thanksgiving Zumba Class

Fit4Dance Hosts a Successful Post Thanksgiving Zumba Class

On Saturday November 29th at 10am, seventeen enthusiastic and motivated women ranging from ages 24-76 showed up for a special Post Thanksgiving Zumba Fitness class hosted by Laci of Fit4Dance.

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Enjoy photos from A Zumba Fundraiser To support Laci's trip to haiti

Enjoy photos from A Zumba Fundraiser To support Laci's trip to haiti

The dance fitness fundraiser on March 1st was a huge success! Thank you all for spending two exhilarating, sweat-filled hours of your Saturday with us.  We raised $1,000 in support of Laci's trip to Haiti!!! She is now only $500 away from her goal.  If you weren't able to attend but would still like to donate, please click here. Our raffle winners were as follows: 5 Class Card: Elsa Guerena, 10 Class Card: Farrah Berthaud, $50 Dinosaur BBQ Gift Card/Cookbook/BBQ Sauce: Jessica Pugliese, and $50 Dinosaur BBQ Gift Card/T-Shirt/BBQ Sauce: Desiree Hunter. Congratulations ladies!!! Please also enjoy pictures from the event below by clicking each photo to view the gallery.