Fit4Dance NYC


Help Us Send Black Sister Circle To Ghana

Dear Community,

When Black Sister Circle (BSC) started in 2021, we couldn't have imagined the impact it would have on our girls and their families. Its purpose is to provide space for young Black girls to build a community that empowers them, uplift the histories and contributions of Black girls and women, explore the sociopolitical issues that impact them, and celebrate every aspect of who they are. We've built a strong community grounded in love, honesty, and the belief that we can and should take up space. Learn a little more about our work and its impact here .

We are collaborating with Africa With Us , an African woman-owned and operated tourism company, to curate a beautiful trip to Accra, Ghana from February 16-February 24, 2024 for our girls. The timing is purposeful! We look forward to celebrating Black History Month in the Motherland.

Program Costs:

  • Program fee: $3,580 per student

  • Airfare: $1,100-$1,900 per student

  • Passport fees

  • Required vaccinations and medication: $350-$450 per student

  • Visas and travel insurance (covered by the Too Fly Foundation )

Dr. Maya Angelou once said "For Africa to more than a glamorous fact. It is a historical truth. No man can know exactly where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place."

In a world that refuses to distinguish facts from fiction, we want to give our girls the power and tools to walk in their truth.

Thank you in advance for making it possible!