Fit4Dance NYC


Thank you for Supporting Laci - A note of thanks from her & JP

Dear Community Members, Donors, Family, & Friends,

Words cannot fully express the overwhelming sense of gratitude and appreciation that fills our hearts as we write this message. We are profoundly touched by the outpouring of love and support from each one of you following the devastating fire that affected our lives.

Your donations through the GoFundMe campaign have not only helped us financially but also served as a reminder that we are part of an incredible and caring community. In the face of adversity, your selfless acts of kindness have provided us with a glimmer of hope and a renewed sense of strength to rebuild and overcome these challenging times.

Once again, we want to convey our deepest gratitude to everyone who has shown their support, whether it was through a donation, a kind message, a temporary place to live, or a prayer. Your generosity has provided us with strength, hope, and a sense of belonging that we will cherish forever.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for standing by us during this challenging journey. Your kindness has reaffirmed our faith in humanity, and we are truly blessed to be part of such a caring and compassionate community.

With heartfelt thanks,

Laci & JP